Last weekend the biggest BJJ competition in scandinavia was held in Stenungsund, Sweden. Usually we go there as a big team, but this year we only had 9 fighters competing. I think that it was because there has been a lot of competitions right next to each other. For this competition we worked on fixing some of the tactical mistakes that people did at the SOBJJ and the Danish Team & Beginners Competition, people were giving to many points away in the fights and sometimes loosing fights that they could have won. So we did some simple ajustments, that made a big difference. We got a total of 6 gold and one bronze medal. This is the first time in the competitions history that we did not place in the top 3 academies. I don’t see that as a problem, it was just because we did not have that many people competing this time, next year we will go in full force again. I was working as a referee so did not have the chance to coach our fighters, but I have seen all the fights afterwards on video. There are still a lot to work on. The next big challenge is the Europeans in Portugal. I think that these last competitions have shown me many things that we need to work on for the European Open, not just the students but also for myself and my training partners.
This week have been a little slow with the training, I caught cold at the competition, it always the same thing. I always get a little sick when we stay a whole weekend in a gymnasium in the winter. Training saturday was really good, only sparring for 1.5 hours. Hurt my wrist when slow rolling with one of the guys. He turned his hip and landed on my bend wrist. It hurt like hell, but today it seems a lot better. I give it a test tomorrow.
I filmed almost all my sparring sessions on saturday, you can see them all in the playlist below. When I roll now I try to stay active on the buttom and really tight on the top. I will use video to improve my game for the eurpeans.
And I just saw that I put and not dot biz 🙂