Jiu Jitsu from the side lines

Jiu Jitsu from the side lines

Last week I did not do that much training. I only did sparring two days, I got a little sick, just a little cold, nothing seriouse, but wanted to stop it before it got worse and did not want any of the other guys to get it. I only filmed one of the sparring sessions. I also did a weight training session with Jeppe how also works in the academy. We did a max test en bench press, I have not done that since I was something like 19 or 20 years old, and have only done weight training two times a week for the last months. My max was 120 kg one time, I think that it is pretty good.

The first three days of this week I have been out as well, but I hope that next week will be much better. I already feel much better, tomorrow will be my first training. It is going to be good to be back to training, it is never easy to be one the side lines, looking at the other guys training.

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