Scandinavian Open BJJ 2011

Arte Suave at the SOBJJ 2011

This weekend I fought in SOBJJ 2011 and for some reason I was very unmotivated, I think that the problem was the small number of sign ups and the lack of food. I had to cut down from 85 kg to 80 kg in 1.5 week. The good thing was that I did not have any nerves before the competition. But the problem with that, for me was that I did not have the same drive and concentration in the fight, and that also shows in the result. Two fights and two losses.

Shimon Mochizuki & Bruno Mathias

The first fight I lost with one advantage, to one of my first teachers from Sweden, Leo Neves. I could feel that the cut was a little hard on my body so I did not feel very strong and could not make any offensive moves, that worked.

In my second fight I made a stupid move and left my arm out in the air and got caught in a armbar. As soon as I made the pull for the deep half guard, I knew that it was wrong.

But on the bright side, I got some really good advice from my teacher Leo Vieira, so now I have already started to work on that. So now I need to changing game plan for the europeans.That is why it is important to have a great teacher that can tell you where you went wrong. I dont think that I will compete again before the europeans, so now it is just hard work in the academy untill january.

For my club it was a fantastic weekend. On friday there was a promotion at the academy and we got 3 new black belts, this was a very special thing, because this is only the second time that some one from Denmark get the black belt. And on saturday and sunday we won 11 golds, 8 silver and 4 bronze total. It was very nice to see that the things that we work on in the club works at the competition.


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