Midweek update

Passing the guard
Three days down, three to go, so fare I feel good, but really tired. I was to tired to train technique today. So only did the sparring this morning. Monday and tuesday I did 3 sessions of training, today I only did two session. Tomorrow I will be back to three.
Hurt my fingers today in sparring, not bad, but a little. I could feel it when I had to teach the class at 17.00. Just know that they will feel good tomorrow 🙂

I’m starting to wake up in the middel of the night, around 4-5 o’clock in the morning, and I wake up like I’m really fresh, not sure if that is a good thing. I think that it is because that I’m training hard. Usually in dont wake up in the night.

Monday: Technique at 8.00, sparring at 9.00 and training again at 18.00
Tuesday: Technique at 8.00, sparring at 9.00, lifting weights at 17.00
Wednesday: Sparring at 9.00, training at 18.00

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